Recommended Resources for learning about the King James Bible

No surprises here! You’ll hear me say this over and over again: All you need to read the Bible is the Bible itself. 

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”

—2 Timothy 3:16-17

If you only had one book in your possession that you could read right now, the King James Bible would be enough!

If you are like me, however, and want to learn more about the history of the Bible and how it came to be, including the unique language of the Bible, here are a few books I recommend.

There are actually many, many more books out there, but I don’t recommend them up front because either a) they are written by men believe only that God delivered his words perfectly in the “originals” but didn’t have the power to perfectly preserve them (“without faith it is impossible to please God”), or b) they are written with an attitude of superiority that puts people off, even though the information they contain is true and helpful. Since “sweetness of lips increaseth learning,” I can’t in good conscience recommend these books to someone who is just starting to be curious about the KJV.

I may not agree with everything written in every book I’m recommending here, and neither will you, but if you are used to making time to read devotionals or other books about the Bible, then I’m sure you’ll find your time in these books to be enriching.

The added bonus of reading books about the King James Bible is that they are filled with Scripture!

So, with all of my disclaimers, here are a few books worth looking into if you want to begin learning about the King James Bible — its history, its unique language, and how God has not only inspired but also preserved his pure words for all generations.

One Book, One Authority: 2,000 Years of Church & Bible History, by Dr. Douglas D. Stauffer

Final Authority, by Dr. William P. Grady

One Book Stands Alone: The Key to Believing the Bible, by Dr. Douglas D. Stauffer

One Book Rightly Divided, by Dr. Douglas D. Stauffer

In Awe of Thy Word: Understanding the King James Bible, by G.A. Riplinger

The Perfect Bible, by Troy Clark

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Are you interested in studying the Bible but you aren’t sure which version to choose?

Have you ever wanted to read the King James Bible, but someone told you it was too difficult?

My name is Michele, and I’ve had those same questions too. 

In my 23 years as a Christian, I’ve read many of the modern Bible versions. But once I started reading the King James version, I discovered it was unlike anything I had ever read before, and I want to share that joy with you.

I’m here to dispel the myth that the KJV is hard to read. To give you tools and tips to get started. And to encourage you as you begin reading the greatest book that’s ever been written!

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All content ©michele blake, 2020