One of the most common questions people ask me is, what about thee and thou in the KJV? Don’t all of those thee’s and thou’s make the King James Bible too difficult to understand?
What if I told you that I could explain those words to you in five minutes or less? That it’s easy to understand.
And that those words actually give you more information that will lead to less confusion and greater understanding of the Bible?
Would you THEN consider reading the King James Bible?
If you’ve heard from the publishers of the modern versions, rest assured you don’t have to believe them. I’ve even heard pastors and youth leaders making fun of the thee’s and thou’s of God’s word (but this will be to their own detriment on judgment day).
If the fact that there are thee’s and thou’s in the Bible is the best reason someone can give for not reading the King James Bible, you can be sure there is an enemy at work who is trying to wrest God’s pure words from you.
Rest assured, you can set that reason aside. Not only is it possible to easily understand what those words mean, but you can know for sure that God has important reasons for using them.
Understanding thee and thou, and ye and you, in the KJV is actually very simple. Once you learn it, you’ll never forget it! You’ll be blessed with that knowledge the rest of your life. And you can apply it to the Bible, to other literature, even to hymns, where those words are still in use today.
Here are the three things you need to know to make understanding easy:
First, the thee’s and thou’s and ye’s and you’s are all used only in conversation, when one person is talking to another.
Next, you can know whether the speaker is talking to one person or more than one person by which of those words he uses:
• If the writer is using a T-word like thee or thou, he’s talking to one person.
• If the writer uses a Y word, like ye or you, he’s talking to more than one person.
Finally, it’s easy to remember what I just showed you by looking at the letters themselves almost as a picture:
• The T has a single line across the top, therefore Thee and Thou mean one person.
• The Y has two lines extending from its base, therefore You and Ye are plural.
Easy, right?
Here’s something else many people don’t know:
The truth is, when the King James Bible was written, the thee’s and thou’s were not part of normal conversation either.
The translators chose to use them because they were faithful to the distinctions between singular and plural forms of you in the original languages.
Many languages around the world have different words for singular and plural versions of “you.” In Spanish, for example, “tu” is you, singular, and “ustedes” is you, plural. But in English, you can be singular or plural (you as a group). This is a huge help to readers whose second language is English.
So it only makes sense that the translators would choose to use words where that distinction can be made. Because, as you’ll soon see, we need to know if God is speaking to an individual or to people as a group.
Still with me? Fist bump and high fives all around. You’re doing great!!
Now let me show you an example of where this language in the KJV gives more meaning and clears up confusion:
In John 3, Nicodemus comes to Jesus by night to find out the truth about salvation, incredulous at the concept of being born again.
“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. … Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.”
—John 3:3, 7 (italics mine)
Jesus is speaking to Nicodemus (thee) but saying that everyone (Ye) who wants to see the kingdom of God must be born again. This distinction and important truth is lost in every English translation except the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible.
I don’t know about you, but I think God is the one who gave us very specific words that would further our understanding. After all, God is not the author of confusion. So don’t you agree that giving us words that cannot be confused sounds exactly like something God would do?
I really have no excuse for saying this is too hard for me. He died for me, so the least I can do is obey him when he says to study his word.
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”
—2 Timothy 2:15
If we apply ourselves unto wisdom, he will show himself faithful. I’m praying for you as you study God’s word and search the Scriptures daily to see if these things are so!
“My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee;
So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding;
Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding;
If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;
Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.
For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.”
—Proverbs 2:1-6
“Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge.”
—Proverbs 23:12
We have always been a Kjv believer; and i find your true truth very rewarding; Wanda & i started this journey 55+ yrs ago & have never been tempted to try any of these so called new versions of the word of man; thank you for being faithful to Gods word;👨🌾🧑🏻🌾✝️❤️🇺🇸
Thank you. I always loved the King James Bible because it doesn’t sound ordinary – a special version of English to show that God isn’t ordinary. I didn’t understand the easy distinctions of “thee,” “ye” and “you.” Now I do. You’re right, Michele. God gives MORE information with these words. I also didn’t know that the people of England didn’t use these “archaic” forms in ordinary speech.
“Know ye that the LORD He is God.” That statement from the 100th Psalm is so much more powerful than ordinary speech.
Thank you for this good article explaining the King James Bible English. I believe that the King James Bible is God’s word in the English language. There are so many out there that use the language as an excuse. They are not Bible believers, they are multiple manuscripts believers. The KJV was translated by formal equivalence, word for word from the manuscripts that the translators used. The modern versions, are translated under dynamic equivalence, basically conversation style. By making the thees and thous, you and ye to read all “you, your” the distinction is erased.
as i read this article ,i have been on a journey got saved 2020 and have took nearly 3yrs to figure out Kng James is the ONLY bible i should as i was reading today (5.6.23) i says to myself i need to understand this old English… i came across you wonderful page and want to say thank you..can you guess what i was reading when i came to this decision? proverbs 2!! and you have it on this article!! God is good!! thank you again for your simple teaching..
God bless
May the Lord Jesus bless you and keep you in your path to understanding His word. Jesus is the Word of God (John 1;1) meaning He lives the full meaning of the Holy Scriptures. We’re blessed when we read the Bible! Any time there’s a question of understanding, pray that the Holy Ghost will illuminate His word for you. Join a church founded on the Bible, The minister preaches the gospel in every meeting: JESUS, the cross, sin and redemption, SALVATION! He never j just speaks of God only – leaving out Jesus – so that whatever and whoever the people imagine can be called their god.
Thank you. I pray the LORD blesses you dear one.
Thank you. I always loved the King James Bible because it doesn’t sound ordinary – a special version of English to show that God isn’t ordianary. I didn’t understand the easy distinctions of “thee,” “ye” and “you.” Now I do. You’re right, Michele. God gives MORE information with these words. I also didn’t know that the people of England didn’t use these “archaic” forms in ordinary speech.
“Know ye that the LORD He is God.” That statement from the 100th Psalm is so much more powerful than ordinary speech.
Michele, I teach 7-10 yr old Sunday School. They are just starting to read the KJV. May I share your information about the thee’s and thou’s in a handout to the students and their parents please? I will reference your blog with the information.
Hi Janet! Thank you so much for reaching out! You are absolutely welcome to share the information and/or the blog post. I would love to hear back how it goes! I truly think it’s the easiest version for kids to understand. I mean, if they can understand Yoda in Star Wars, they can easily understand the syntax of the KJB. 🙂